Holistic Cancer Support at BodyLight

Massage and Hypnotherapy for anyone with a current or past history of cancer.

Supporting your natural health and wellness.

Where are you located? What do you do?

All services are done in-person in Elk Grove, California.((However, I am closed until a planned relocation January, 2025))

Massage Therapy can be given any time. In other words, It is always a great time to receive a massage! If you have cancer or a history of cancer, you can self-book a massage on the Services page ((Self-booking on hold until BodyLight’s reopening planned for January, 2025)). If you are a first-time client, you will receive a health history form to fill out electronically. This is essential for you to fill out so I can give you the best care possible. If you don’t have cancer, and just want a massage, I can see you too! If I am not fully booked with oncology clients, I will glady work with You as well!
Hypnotherapy is great for relaxation, breaking through general or specific fears and anxieties, gaining a better self-understanding, de-stressing the mind and body, moving past internal barriers that are holding you back, and more. It can be part of your plan to get relief from physical pain and emotional pain. Hypnotherapy can help people make changes or reach goals. Hypnotherapy is not a miracle method, does not diagnose or treat illnesses physical or psychological, but I am genuinely and continuously surprised by how much it does help a wide array of client concerns. Ask me about your specific situation and we can decide if hypnotherapy is right for you.
Hpnotherapy is typically given in a series of sessions over a number of weeks. We can talk more about a specific plan for you when we first talk, either during a free 45 minute consultation in person or in a video chat. You can self-schedule for either of these ((Self-Scheduling is on hold until BodyLight reopens, which is planned for January, 2024)).

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of things can you help with?

Massage Therapy at BodyLight

Massage can help with physical relief and relaxation. It can sometimes help you move better and feel better in general. Massage can be a time to care for yourself and a time to feel cared for. Easing the body’s tensions also helps give space for the mind and emotions to heal, recover, or just take a break.

Hypnotherapy at BodyLight

Hypnotherapy can help with many things. Life changes, internal obstacles known or unknown, mindset changes, reaching goals, feeling better mentally and emotionally. Clients often ask for help with fears, anxiety, habits, or a general sense of unease. If you think there is something hypnotherapy may help you with, contact me to set up an appointment for us to chat.

Ready to make a change through hypnotherapy? Set up a free consultation at BodyLight !

I don’t have any big issues. Are your services still for me?

Hypnotherapy and massage therapy both can be used for someone without specific goals or issues. We all deserve and need help achieving our best selves. My biases comes from personally receiving benefit from receiving the very things I offer to others.  In fact, that is why I offer them!  My clients and friends and past holistic health classmates have also enjoyed the benefits of these therapies, no matter what was going on in their lives at the time.  We all have stress – physical, emotional, and mental.  We all have muscle tension, aches, and pains.  We all have personal barriers, physical and mental, that get in the way of us being the way we want to be in our body, in our life, and in the world.  We all have things we want to change and achieve, strengthen and support. And all could benefit from some help along the way. Above all, no matter where we are in our life, we all have bodies and minds that need and deserve care and attention.  So I would say, Yes, if you are drawn to either hypnotherapy or massage therapy or have loads of experience with either, set up an appointment!

What kind of person do you want to work with?

I am primarily offering services to persons with a current or past history of cancer. We all can benefit from holistic practices such as massage or hypnotherapy.  And we all share the basic elements of life, including the things people see me for – aches, pains, fears, anxieties, the need for comfort and relaxation, the desire to increase joy, the goal of walking through the world with strength and resolve, the desire to leave old habits behind and develop new and inspiring ways of being…and more!

My experience and life have led me to tailor my services to those undergoing the cancer journey. Sometimes you need someone that knows at least some of what you’ve gone through, some of the terminology, some of the fears, anxieties, and hardships. But more importantly, you want practitioners who can work with you safely and professionally, and at the same time be warm and caring. That’s what I am here for!

I enjoy working with a broad range of people, from all races, genders, colors, ethnicities, body types, and from all types of life experiences and belief systems.  The human experience is diverse and complex, and I find being human beautiful in its complexity. I have worked with poeple of all ages and from various backgrounds and life experiences, and all can receive benefit from these services.

I’m nervous about making an appointment.  Is this normal?

It’s totally normal to be nervous about doing something new, or doing something that is not new, but with a new person. And you may have specific concerns related to your cancer treatment or cancer history. Just know that I am ready for you!

It takes courage to reach out to get help with your own self-care. My hope at BodyLight is that we can provide a space where you can feel comfortable being yourself.  In fact, my goal is that the services we offer help to feel even more comfortable when you leave than when you came in!

I’m here if you want to talk about it during a free consultation, either in person or by video – You can use this link to set up a meeting ((Consultations are on Hold until BodyLight’s planned reopening in January, 2025)). Or use email or text to send me a question.

How do I know if you are the right person for me to work with?

Take your time to read through my website. Based on what you read, if you sense that I may be a good fit for you, then take the next step. If you have cancer or a history of cancer, you can self-book a massage therapy session or you self-book a free 45 minute in person or video consultation or a more brief phone chat. If you would like more information first, feel free to email me with any questions. 

If you opt for the free 45 minute consultation, you can ask me questions about my approach, about how I have helped other people like you before, or any other questions that may be specific to you. You’ll also be able to share what’s going on for you and I can share my ideas around how I can help you.

The first time we meet together will help us both figure out if my services are a good fit for you.  When we work together, you will quickly be able to understand how comfortable you feel in sessions. My approach and the types of services I offer may not be right for everyone. What’s most important to me is that you find what you feel is the right fit for you. We can explore that together.

What should I wear?

For all sessions, wear anything that you can sit back and relax in.

Best clothes to wear for all sessions:  Wear clothes that a person would use for sports or yoga.  Clothes that you can relax in, that feel physically comfortable to you, and that don’t restrict physical movement.  Some examples may be loose, light, cotton clothing such as sweats and a t-shirt.  Synthetic or stretchy clothing, such as yoga pants or workout leggings work well also.

I typically practice massage therapy with clients fully clothed.  I find clothing provides a layer of safety and comfort, allowing clients to relax even more.

For massage, I can work around any type of clothing, but it is a bit harder to do some techniques if you are wearing jeans, lace, straps, or clothes that are rough, thick, or constrictive. Don’t worry too much.  Wear what you think might work well for your first time, and then you will be able to know from experience! Whatever you come in with is okay!

Do you use oil for massage therapy?

Either very little or not at all.  The massage therapy I offer is done with the client fully clothed. There are so many techniques to use with you fully clothed and relaxed that oil is not necessary for a massage.

Sometimes oil can be a great addition to a massage session that is done fully clothed. Areas it could be applied are to the neck, hands, or feet.